This year, Android 15 launched later than previous versions. Rather than coming out in the third quarter, the latest Android started its rollout to compatible devices just over a week ago. In 2025, Google plans to shift away from the Q3 timeline for Android 16, opting instead for an earlier release in Q2!
Details from the Android Developers Blog
The information was shared in an official announcement on the Android Developers Blog, which revealed that there will be two Android updates in 2025. The first update will be a major version in Q2, followed by a minor update in Q4. The main reason for moving the major release to an earlier date is to sync with the launch schedules of devices throughout the Android platform, allowing a wider range of devices to receive the significant update sooner.
Manufacturer Launch Timings
This change seems logical, as many manufacturers typically plan their new device launches for Q3, often extending into Q4, yet they often release their phones with an outdated version of Android. Google itself experienced this issue this year when the Pixel 9 (priced at $899 on Amazon) came with Android 14 instead of the latest Android 15.
Upcoming Features and Changes
The Android update planned for the fourth quarter of 2025 will include feature enhancements, optimizations, bug fixes, and new APIs for developers, all following the major update in Q2. However, there won’t be any changes that would impact apps’ behaviors. From this description, it sounds like we might see a revival of the Android Jelly Bean days, where versions had decimal points. Therefore, the Q4 update could resemble Android 16.1.
With this new schedule, the testing phase for Android 16, codenamed Baklava, will start sooner than initially anticipated, and users with compatible devices should be on the lookout for developer previews coming soon.
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