Miyoo has finally launched the Flip, which was first hinted at back in March 2024. At first, the device was only available on Amazon. Later on, Miyoo expanded its availability to AliExpress, keeping the same four color choices that you could find on Amazon.
High Demand and Limited Supply
Sadly, the interest in the Miyoo Flip is surpassing what they have in stock. This caused the first batch of devices to sell out very quickly. Fortunately, Miyoo has replenished their stock, and as it stands now, you can still buy the Flip on Amazon for $89.99. It’s worth mentioning that you might find it a little cheaper—around $10 less—on AliExpress compared to Amazon.
Ongoing Stock Issues
However, the Flip is currently sold out on AliExpress again. It’s likely that Miyoo is planning to have more restocks soon. Early reviews suggest that the Miyoo Flip can emulate various systems like the Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, and PlayStation Portable. While having two joysticks will certainly aid in emulating these consoles, the device’s SoC and 1 GB of RAM may limit its ability to run every game in those libraries.
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