One-Netbook has recently launched several innovative devices. To give you an idea, they released the OneXFly F1 Pro gaming handheld, featuring a speedy OLED display and equipped with AMD's Ryzen AI 9 365 or Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 APUs. Not too long ago, they also unveiled the OneXPlayer G1 and OneXSugar, which break away from the typical designs seen in today’s gaming handhelds in multiple ways.
Upgraded Gaming Experience
They have also upgraded the OneXPlayer X1, which received its last update with the Ryzen 7 8840U in the middle of June (currently priced at $1,069 on Amazon). Initially, the 10.95-inch gaming handheld was offered with Intel's Core Ultra 7 155H, similar to the original MSI Claw.
New Specifications
One-Netbook has replaced the Ryzen 7 8840U with the more advanced Ryzen AI 9 HX 370. With this enhancement, the company has renamed the device to 'OneXPlayer X1 Pro', likely due to the superior CPU and GPU capabilities of the Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 compared to the Ryzen 7 8840U.
In terms of display, it appears that the OneXPlayer X1 Pro still features the same 120 Hz and 2.5K IPS display found in the original OneXPlayer X1. It also keeps a 65 Wh battery, a PCIe 4.0 SSD, detachable controllers, and OcuLink connectivity. Presently, One-Netbook plans to begin shipping the OneXPlayer X1 Pro on January 3, offering discounts during the pre-sale phase:
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