Telegram has rolled out its first update of the year, introducing a verification system that enables users to quickly identify sources. This new feature allows official third-party services to attach additional verification icons to both their accounts and chats, making it easier for users to discern authenticity.
Enhancing Security and Trust
The company recently shared that it has achieved profitability for the first time, and it is optimistic that this new system "will help prevent scams and reduce misinformation." When users tap on the verification icon in profiles, they can access more details regarding the account’s verification status.
Telegram clarified that this verification is separate from the checkmark system used for public figures and organizations. Additionally, an account must first be verified by Telegram before it can offer third-party verifications. At this moment, individual user accounts are not eligible for verification on the platform.
New Collectibles Feature
In other news, users can now transform gifts into collectibles that can be traded on NFT marketplaces. Gifts consist of unique messages and emojis that users can send to each other using Telegram’s in-app currency. Recipients of these gifts can upgrade them into collectibles, which reveal a new look and a random secondary trait, such as background color, icon, or number.
Furthermore, users have the ability to react to service messages shown by the platform while receiving gifts, initiating video chats, or adding new members to a group. The update also brings enhanced search bar filters that allow users to narrow down their results into private chats, group chats, or channels. Lastly, custom emojis can now be utilized for naming folders.
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