Honor’s newly launched Honor Pad X9 tablet will soon introduce a fresh variant in India. Initially released with a 4GB+128GB model, the Pad X9 will now also be offered with an upgraded 8GB RAM version. This move is similar to iQOO’s recent unveiling of a 16GB+1TB variant for its iQOO Pad2 Pro.
Enhanced Performance
The new variant of the Honor Pad X9 was revealed through updated images on Amazon India’s page. In today’s competitive market, an Android device ideally needs at least 8GB of RAM for optimal user experience. With the new 8GB RAM model, the Honor Pad X9 promises smoother performance compared to its 4GB counterpart. Additionally, Honor is highlighting that this new tablet will feature 5GB of expandable RAM.
Honor Pad X9 Specifications
The current 4GB RAM model of the Honor Pad X9 is available on Amazon India for INR 14,999. This tablet is powered by a Snapdragon 685 processor and features an 11.5-inch 2K 120 Hz display with a peak brightness of 400 nits. It also comes with a 7250 mAh battery, making it quite capable for everyday tasks. The introduction of the 8GB RAM variant further solidifies the Pad X9 as a highly cost-effective option. The pricing for the 8GB RAM version has yet to be disclosed.